Saturday, January 12, 2008

Flowserve Dinner and Dance

woo weee my first D&D and it is not my company's haaa :o) de theme was Retros 70s (always wanted to join a Retro party, dream come true =p).

They had really interesting stalls for guests who came earlier such as air spray tatoo, hair coloring (we tried that :p), hair styling (we didnt try cos hair not long enough haa) and glamour shot (de pic above) !!! & becos Vic was one of the com member, we went earlier & didnt had to queue long haa..wah it was really hard to find retro outfits, nearly peng san from the many days of shopping :S thank God we managed to find 'retroy' clothes. i muz say both of us really fit de retro image quite well...haa

de deejay & jockey was also really good and entertaining, all in all, i had a really fun night & looking forward to de next one haaa =p i hope their next theme would be movies / fairy tales characters, then i would have chance to rent party clothes to wear muahaahaa =p

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